The Hot and Cool Foundation

A Non-Profit Addressing Food Insecurity through Workforce Development

Our Purpose

Homelessness has been declared a is a state of emergency in LA County.

The mission of the Hot and Cool Foundation is to equip at-risk individuals with the support, experience, and knowledge needed to establish and maintain a living wage. We believe that supporting individual efforts to transcend past circumstances and present challenges to build a positive future, is a powerful catalyst for communal healing.

Thus, our workforce development program centers personal power and prioritizes individuals that are on the margins of society to create a pipeline for gainful, sustained employment. 

  • Candidates are employment-ready, referred by trusted partners, enhancing employability through job experience and financial literacy training.

  • Graduates access exclusive opportunities for long-term roles at community partner locations.

  • We offer career pathways promoting autonomy, providing resources for candidates' success in their endeavors.

Partnership With


"It’s Bigger Than Us (IBTU) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization located in South Los Angeles, California, dedicated to advancing health equity and addressing the social determinants of health. With a mission to provide solution-based resources to underserved families, IBTU aims to empower all communities to thrive. The organization achieves its objectives by fostering safety and building trust within the communities. Collaborating with local members and community-based organizations, they work to tackle the underlying social factors, such as poverty and discrimination, that lead to health disparities. By bringing in resources and building community power, IBTU drives the necessary changes to create healthier environments for everyone.

Empowerment Through Employment: A Step-by-Step Application Process

Referral: Participants must receive a referral from a workforce training program.

Application Completion: Participants are required to fill out an application, which involves self-identifying as part of the target demographic.

Interview: All applicants undergo an interview as part of the selection process.Intake and

Coordination: Once accepted, candidates go through a two-day intake and coordination process tailored to equip them for their program journey and to provide specialized services that minimize barriers to employment.

What We Need

Support our mission in LA County, where Black residents, just 8% of the population, make up a staggering 34% of the homeless. Dive into the roots of systemic poverty, and you'll find communities of color most impacted by food scarcity, housing unavailability, and unequal education.

South Central LA stands out, hosting the U.S.'s largest food-insecure population—over 2 million individuals. We're committed to offering nutritious meals to the 69,144 people without homes. Make an impact. Support us now.


Families Helped


Meals Served



Tony Jolly


Anthony Jolly is the founder of Hot + Cool Cafe in the heart of Leimert Park Village and Crenshaw Coffee Co. With Hot + Cool, Anthony combined his years of experience sourcing and identifying specialty coffee from Ethiopia and introducing high end premium coffees to the third wave coffee sector, with a plantbased approach to food to create a vegan specialty coffee food space. He intentionally chose Leimert Park as the location for a vegan cafe in what has historically been a food desert for convenient, healthy food choices in South Central. As a certified social enterprise, Hot + Cool Cafe’s mission has expanded to include employment opportunities and training for previously incarcerated individuals.

Tina Amin


Tina began her career in international human rights law in Africa and eventually became a top 30 under 30 corporate litigator. She found her way back to her roots through the walls of Hot & Cool, providing a healthy physical and eating space, while tackling social justice issues and food inequalities rampant in South LA. She is currently the COO for both Hot and Cool Cafe and Crenshaw Coffee Company, and has helped build both companies from inception, with lots of learning along the way. Her passion for community, creative and healthy food, and forging spaces for people and communities fuel her drive

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